Case study


Automated legal analysis tool to resolve real estate foreclosure.


About the client

ReWizard is a product built for Debinext Srl. It is a company located in southern Italy that deals with legal services aimed at resolving foreclosure and real estate debt.

Legal Name
Debinext S.R.L.
Work done
  • Design
  • Development
  • Monitoring


ReWizard is a webapp where a visitor can insert their legal informations and it automatically elaborates them in order to suggest a legal solution.

The application has three tests with 30 questions each and after every tests the client can know if they can or cannot use a legal solution for their specific case.

If a client want legal human support they can ask it via a contact form.

Development process

Step 1


We examined the objectives and determined which features to implement and how.

Step 2


We developed the application by providing constant feedback in order to meet the client needs.

Step 3


We monitor the application, how the users use them and which features should we add or improve.

Tech stack used for this project


C# C# Javascript Javascript SQL SQL HTML HTML CSS CSS

Frameworks, Libraries and others:

.NET .NET ASP.NET Core ASP.NET Core EF Core EF Core SQL Server SQL Server Azure Azure Bootstrap Bootstrap

Software Architecture

The application is built using ASP.NET Core Razor Pages, with Bootstrap as UI library.

The database used is Microsoft SQL Server hosted on Azure connected to the application via Entity Framework Core.

Automatic database backups are setup on the cloud and the application is monitored via Azure Application Insight.



The application is only in the italian language, thats why the screenshots are in italian.

ReWizard screenshot
ReWizard screenshot
ReWizard screenshot
ReWizard screenshot
ReWizard screenshot
ReWizard screenshot
ReWizard screenshot
ReWizard screenshot

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  1. Tips and advice on how to solve your software project requirements
  2. A detailed project roadmap for your future or present software application
  3. A work proposal that meets your timeframe and budget requirements