
A scalable backend infrastructure with authentication, database, and servers to power your software application and manage its data.

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Backend infrastructure

From simple to complex

Based on the expected workload, we can create different types of backends.


A simple architecture, one application service with one database.


Multiple services and separate databases that communicate with each other via an event bus.

A robust backend infrastructure

Test-driven development

The backend can be built following the principles of test-driven development. test, so that every API endpoint and every use case can be tested through functional tests.

Logging and monitoring

We can see the application usage and the logs that the application has produced for debugging and testing whenever we want.

Automatic database backups

Each database is configured with automatic databases so that we can restore the application to a previous state if something bad happens.

On the cloud

The backend can be deployed entirely on the cloud so that both the servers and the databases can receive automatic security and maintenance updates.

Usable Technologies

Languages: C#, SQL

API Layer: Rest, gRPC

Authentication: JSON web token, Google OAuth, ASP NET Core Identity

Object Relational Mapper: Entity Framework Core

Logging: Serilog, Azure Application Insight

Databases: Azure Sql Server, SQL Server, SQLite

Static assets: Linux VPS, Azure Storage

Deployment: Azure, Linux VPS, Github Workflows

Monitoring: Azure Application Insight

Event bus: MQTT

Usable Technologies

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